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The PDF books on this page are great sources of information to wake our people up. They are free to download and share. (Ezekiel 3:1)

The Scattered Hebrews (House of Judah) by  Black Simba

The Jews Among the Greeks and Romans

Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries

Sons of Israel in Caesar's Service 

Lost Tribes & Promise lands
Ronald Sanders

Israel Redivivus
F.C. Danvers

The Annals of Tacitus

Blacks in Antiquity
Frank Snowden

Lives of The Queens of England

Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries

The History of the American Indians

The History of the First Council of Nicea

Darwin's Doubt
Stephen Meyer

The Lives of the Twelve Caesars

A History of Jews in Greek Gymnasia From Hellenistic Period Through the Late Roman Period

The Old Testament In the Light of The Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia

by King James

Ancient and Modern Brittons
by David MacRitchie

The Invention of the

Jewish People
by Shlomo Sand

The Theological
Heresies of Westcott & Hort

Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora Origins Experiences and Culture by M. Avrum Ehrlich

Whence the Black
Irish of Jamaica

Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky

When Scotland was Jewish

The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews

The Thirteenth Tribe
Arthur Koestler

Hebrewisms of West Africa from Nile to Nigar
with the Jews

Origins of the
Anglo Saxon Race

Marks of a Lost Race

Christians Kept Sabbath

To Eliminate the Opiate
Vol 1

To Eliminate the Opiate
Vol 1

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